ADB Japan Scholarship 2024


ADB Japan Scholarship 2024

The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) offers a comprehensive package of benefits to scholars pursuing graduate studies. Here’s what is typically provided under the program

  1. Full Tuition Fees: The ADB-JSP covers the entire cost of tuition fees for the duration of the scholar’s graduate program.
  2. Monthly Subsistence Allowance: Scholars receive a monthly stipend to cover living expenses, including housing costs, allowing them to focus on their studies without financial strain.
  3. Books and Instructional Materials: The program typically includes support for purchasing necessary books, materials, and other resources required for academic studies.
  4. Medical Insurance: ADB-JSP scholars are provided with medical insurance coverage to ensure their health and well-being during their time as students.
  5. Travel Expenses: The program covers travel expenses for scholars to and from their home country at the beginning and end of their study program, as well as for any field trips or conferences related to their academic pursuits.
  6. Special Grants for Research: For scholars engaged in research, additional funding may be available to support thesis preparation or other research-related expenses.
  7. Additional Support: In certain circumstances, the scholarship may also cover costs associated with computer literacy courses, preparatory language programs, or similar courses that are deemed necessary for the scholar’s academic success.

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The eligibility requirements for the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) are as follows:

  • Nationality: The candidate must be a national of an Asian Development Bank (ADB) borrowing member country and Japanese Official Development Assistance (ODA) scholarship-eligible country.
  • Dual Citizenship: The candidate should not hold dual citizenship of any developed country.
  • Admission: The candidate must have gained admission to an approved master’s course at a Designated Institution.
  • Educational Background: The candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with a superior academic record.
  • Work Experience: The candidate should have at least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience acquired after obtaining a university degree at the time of application.
  • English Proficiency: Proficiency in oral and written English communication skills is required to pursue studies.
  • Age Limit: The candidate should not be more than 35 years old at the time of application, unless waived in exceptional cases with the expressed endorsement of the Government of Japan.
  • Health: The candidate should be in good health.
  • Return Commitment: The candidate must agree to return and work in their home country for at least two (2) years after completing studies under the program to contribute to its development.
  • Relationship with ADB: The candidate should not be an Executive Director, Alternate Director, management, staff, or consultant of ADB, or a close relative of any of the aforementioned individuals by blood or adoption.
  • Affiliation with Designated Institutions: The candidate should not be staff of ADB-JSP Designated Institutions.
  • Residency: The candidate should not be living or working in a country other than their home country.
  • Enrollment: The candidate should not be already enrolled in graduate degree programs.

Meeting these eligibility criteria is essential for consideration for the ADB-Japan Scholarship Program, which aims to support individuals from eligible countries in pursuing higher education to contribute to the development of their home countries.

The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) is available to citizens of the following countries/areas:

1. Afghanistan

2. Armenia

3. Azerbaijan

4. Bangladesh

5. Bhutan

6. Cambodia

7. Cook Islands

8. Federated States of Micronesia

9. Fiji

10. Georgia

11. India

12. Indonesia

13. Kazakhstan

14. Kiribati

15. Kyrgyz Republic

16. Lao People’s Democratic Republic

17. Malaysia

18. Maldives

19. Marshall Islands

20. Mongolia

21. Myanmar

22. Nauru

23. Nepal

24. Niue

25. Pakistan

26. Palau

27. Papua New Guinea

28. Philippines

29. Samoa

30. Solomon Islands

31. Sri Lanka

32. Tajikistan

33. Thailand

34. Timor-Leste

35. Tonga

36. Turkmenistan

37. Tuvalu

38. Uzbekistan

39. Vanuatu

40. Viet Nam

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Citizens of these countries/areas are eligible to apply for the ADB scholarship program 2024 to pursue graduate studies at designated institutions.

Here are some important additional details and guidelines regarding the application process and scholarship coverage for the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP):

  • Application Submission Deadline: The duly accomplished application forms, along with all copies of academic records, should be sent to the institution at least six (6) months before the commencement of the intake that the applicant wishes to join. This ensures timely processing and consideration of the application.
  • Financial Documentation: Applicants are required to submit their latest income tax return or certification of their annual salary/monthly salary, whichever is available. They should also provide a certification of family income, including their parent’s income.
  • Selection Process: Only candidates who have been offered admission and endorsed by the academic institutions will be considered for the scholarships by the ADB. Endorsement by the academic institution is a prerequisite for scholarship consideration.
  • Expenses Not Covered: The ADB-JSP does not cover expenses for the scholar’s family, extra-curricular courses or training, additional travel during the course of the study program, or supplementary expenses related to educational materials, field trips, workshops, seminars, or internships. Additionally, the program does not cover the purchase of educational equipment such as computers.
  • Confirmation of Scholarship Award: Completion of the application form or admission by the academic institution does not guarantee acceptance for a scholarship. Applicants should refrain from taking any action with respect to their current employment or other commitments until they have been formally informed by the institution that they have been awarded a scholarship.

These guidelines outline the necessary steps and limitations associated with the application process and scholarship coverage for the ADB-Japan Scholarship Program. Applicants should adhere to these guidelines to ensure their eligibility and maximize their chances of receiving the scholarship.

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